Played this with a mapped controller: Superb! The game is great, however, I have a few advices (not complaints, advices). Fix the few buggy platforms. They can really kill gameplay, and even make start the game all over if you get stuck in them. There is one in the last level that get's really annoying: You have to make a wall jump on it, but Mr. Pig get's stuck in it until a saw kills him. It is frustrating to repeat the same level lots of times just because of that. Also, try not to use leaps of faith. Remember, a fair hard game always shows you what you are facing. It isn't fair to die because of a saw you can't see, or falling because you can't see the platform you are supposed to jump to. The soundtrack is great, but it would be better if it didn't restart from level to level or after each death, it rather keep on going. That way we could appreciate better. Some sound effect wouldn't hurt much. One last thing: Check the hit boxes. I personally suggest you remove the ears and limbs from them, since that leaves transparent bits when Mr. Pig jumps that can be hit, and it feels really unfair dying when nothing clearly hit you. All this being said, congratulations, this game is a very nice, challenging throwback worth trying.